
Dirty Disco Podcast

14 Must Have Vinyl Records in Oktober & more | Dirty Disco 377.

Kono Vidovic October 12, 2020 260 2 5

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Welcome to a new music show episode and blogpost here at Dirty Disco. As many of you know vinyl releases are always a strong element in the Dirty Disco episodes, but for the last couple of weeks it seems the amount of vinyl record releases have been increasing, at least in my mix selections. For example here in this episode I selected 22 tracks with 15 of them as a vinyl release. And today I’m bringing you another 22 track mix selection with 14 must have vinyl records in Oktober.

The great news is that if you are a vinyl lover and or collector you can buy a lot of the electronic music gems that I play as 12” to immortalize them. But on the other hand all track releases are always available as digital formats 99% of them on music streaming services such as Spotify.

14 must have vinyl records in Oktober.

Many of these must have vinyl records in Oktober are available in limited editions and therefore real gems and rare vinyl classics in the making. In my opinion not only the characteristic sound of vinyl but also the physical element makes it more attractive versus digital formats. While digital music also has it’s advances on it’s own. To find out which 14 must have vinyl records I’m talking about, simply tune in or check out the full track listing on the bottom of this music blog post. If you want to know which website you can use to do your own crate digging, check them here.

Dirty Disco 377 episode contents.

As I mentioned all tracks are available on digital formats and through music streaming services. To get a clear view without giving away the full story let’s see what I’ve got coming for you in this Dirty Disco 377 episode.

  • 22 new electronic music releases, ranging from deep electronica, to futuristic Nu Disco, Jazzy Deep House and Dance floor solid Disco House.
  • In this week’s episode are 3 new albums. 2 of them are various artists compilation albums and one is the 5th solo artist album by the former Moloko singer Róisín Murphy.
  • I managed to get 4 promo’s in the mix. I received a lot more that I really liked and to be honest I curated 122 tracks for this episode. But these 22 including the 4 promo’s ended up in the final mix selection.
  • 14 must have vinyl records in October. (yes there are more must haves in the other October shows here, but I had to come up with a title). Among the vinyl records are 3 double 12 inches.
  • 5 tracks are remixes of originals.
  • All of this is like always also available as the DJ only (no talking) selection mix on Mixcloud when you sign up as a Select Member here.

Full music playlist Dirty Disco 377.

Feel free to use the track information below to find your favorite music and artists so you can support their music. Feel free to share this page, music podcast with your friends on your socials and post the tracklist with it if you wish. Thanks for tuning in and supporting Dirty Disco. Stay safe and happy people!

14 must have vinyl records in Oktober | Dirty Disco 377ArtistTrack titleEP / AlbumRecord LabelEP / AlbumRel DateVinyl
Darius & Wayne Snow - Equilibrium / ApologyDarius & Wayne SnowApologyEquilibrium / ApologyRoche MusiqueEP30-10-2012”
Nightmares on Wax - Smokers Delight Sonic BudsNightmares on WaxAquaselfSmokers Delight Sonic BudsWarp Records LTDEP1-10-2012”
Evenn - Brooklyn rulesEvennBrooklyn ’95Brooklyn RulesGLBDOMEP18-9-20
Parris - Terrapin | Wisdom TeethParris & Minor ScienceTerrapinTerrapinWisdom TeethEP6-10-2012”
Roisin Murphy - Roisin MachineRóisín MurphySomething MoreRóisín MachineBMGAlbum6-10-202×12”
Hot Chip - LateNightTalesMike SaltaHey MolokoHot Chip – Late Nite TalesLateNightTalesAlbum2-10-202×12”
Raf Rundell - Monsterpiece RemixesRaf RundellMonsterpiece (Harvey Sutherland Remix)Monsterpiece RemixesHeavenly RecordingsEP2-10-20
Roisin Murphy - Roisin MachineRóisín MurphyMurphy’s LawRóisín MachineBMGAlbum6-10-202×12”
Yann Polewka - RibouldingueYann PolewkaDressed Like A Fella (Ethyene Remix)RibouldingueLa FeteEP25-9-2012”
Music for the NAACPIron Curtis & Session VictimAbalone (Gerd Janson Edit)Music For The NAACPRunning BackAlbum17-8-202×12”
Hurlee - Le Disque TropicalHurleeJuicy JazzLe Disque TropicalPoetry In MotionEP25-9-10
Felipe Gordon & Will Buck - I Think It's Too LateFelipe Gordon & Will BuckBack into TimeI Think It’s Too LateOff Track RecordingsEP18-9-2012”
Darius & Wayne Snow - Equilibrium / ApologyDarius & Wayne SnowEquilibriumEquilibrium / ApologyRoche MusiqueEP30-10-2012”
Franc Moody - Dream In Colour Folamour RemixFranc MoodyCharge Me Up (Folamour Remix)Dream In Colour RemixesJuicebox RecordingsEP25-9-20
Magic Silk 2 - Luv Shack recordsDas KomplexJak Mozna Nie Mowic O PesymizmieMagic Silk 2Luv Shack RecordsEP25-9-2012”
Das Komplex - Wez Mnie Ze SobaDas KomplexWez Mnie Ze SobaWez Mnie Ze SobaPolena RecordingsEP23-9-20
Naux - Calm Down BeachNauxTarode (Jehan Remix)Calm Down BeachBellissima RecordsEP19-9-20
Felipe Gordon & Will Buck - I Think It's Too LateWill BuckI Think It’s Too LateI Think It’s Too LateOff Track RecordingsEP18-9-2012”
Scan7 - Sooner Than LaterScan7All For MeSooner than LaterHeist RecordingsEP23-10-2012”
Laurence Guy - Your Good times will comeLaurence GuyThe SpiritYour Good Times Will ComeShall Not FadeEP11-11-2012”
Pedro Canas - Secretos De CiudadPedro CañasGet Your Hands UpSecretos De CiudadtheBasement DiscosEP22-9-20
Pedro Canas - Secretos De CiudadPedro CañasCompromiseSecretos De CiudadtheBasement DiscosEP22-9-20

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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