
28 Results / Page 3 of 4

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Got To Give It Up – The World Of Sampling

Ian Skeavington May 14, 2015

Sampling Samples. So I’m hoping I’ve given it long enough for everyone not to just switch off when I mention Marvin Gaye Vs Robin Thicke and Pharrell. We got so bored of it right? I know I certainly did! It seemed there was only one sensible outcome, although it seems […]

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Fresh news


Kono Vidovic October 1, 2014

Propellerhead Reason 8 The people from Propellerhead released Reason 8,  what is the latest version of their very popular DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Featuring a flatter, more (less is more) user interface. The changes continue under the hood, and the result is that Reason 8 also offers a smoother creative […]

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DJ Gear

Audio Technica: ATH-M50x Review

Kono Vidovic September 14, 2014

Not to long ago this one came in from one of our local sponsors to give us heads up about it so that we could write a review on it. Audio Technica’s new range of headphones is scoring very good around the globe, especially the flagship of those series the […]

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Fresh news

Iphone 6 & Iphone 6 Plus

Kono Vidovic September 10, 2014

At Dirty Disco we do not only talk about music, but also about stuff like gear and tech, mostly DJ & Producer gear, but i think the Iphone and especially Apple also belongs to that category right? So here it is, the Iphone 6 and the Iphone 6 plus, what […]

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