Dirty Disco Podcast

Dirty Disco Radio 182, Hosted & Mixed by Kono Vidovic.

Kono Vidovic September 5, 2016 350

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First of all, i would like to apologize for last weeks episode not being available in the iTunes podcast section. The reason for this is, that i updated the website www.dirtydiscoradio.com and therefor my RSS feed is not getting updated automatically anymore. The new website has a beautiful player and great looks for easy access to the latest podcasts. The way this is setted up, makes it hard for me to also include the .mp3 file in the RSS Feed, there for i have to do on the old way, and the new way. This post is here just so that the podcast can be available in the RSS Feed for iTunes etc. And the new post is for a better website experience. I’m working on it, and i’m trying to find a solution for this, as long as it’ doesnt work the way i want it to work, i will keep doing it this way, so that the Dirty Disco Listeners through iTunes will not miss an episode.

Since double content is not good for a website, i have moved the tracklist to the the other post which you can find from the Dirty Disco Radio homepage.

Whenever you enter the website on the main page, you will find the latest episode and it starts to play right away, if you click on it, you will go to the single page, where you can find the tracklisting.

Go here for the tracklist and play for Dirty Disco Radio 182

Thank you for your understanding, and let’s keep it grooving!

Kono Vidovic.

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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