
Dirty Disco Podcast

Podcast 415 | Electronic Summer Playlist: KX9000 – Sweatson Klank – ZaVen – Dam Swindle – Diplo – Fred Falke & more…

Kono Vidovic July 5, 2021 350 9 5

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Must have tunes for your electronic Summer playlist.

During the warmer seasons like spring and summer producers are more inspired by the vibes in this period of the year, and reflect this in the music they create. This gives me as a curator of music the ability to create a summer playlist and DJ mixes that go very well with your daily vibes if not boost the summer vibes. You may already have heard a bunch of beautiful summer tunes, anthems and sun drenched music in the last couple of shows, and in this Dirty Disco podcast episode 415 I’m extending that vibe with another fine selection of tracks that go very well in any summer playlist.

Highlighted releases you want to hear.

I strongly advise you to just tune in and listen to the full podcast episode by using the audio player here on the website. Or your platform of choice where Dirty Disco is listed, like Spotify, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Youtube and others. If you want to know what tracks I’m playing and in which order they come you can see the tracklist here on the bottom of this page. In addition I will also list a few highlights of the featured releases in this week’s music show here below.

Sweatson Klank - Jewels from the Sun EP

Sweatson Klank – Jewels From The Sun | Friends Of Friends Music.

Los Angeles based producer Sweatson Klank always surprises me in a positive way with his music. He perfectly knows how to combine different styles and tempos in his productions while he maintains his unique feel good signature sound.

His new Jewels From The Sun is no exception on that and brings us another selection of quality tracks infused with summer-time madness, vintage soul drenched house music, infectious piano chords, catchy vocals and a bit of that lo-fi jazz. Once again the tracks range in tempo and are perfect for any summer playlist to use at a pool party, barbecue, beach party or any other event during summer.

ZaVen - When Faith Dies

ZaVen – When Faith Dies | Batavia Records.

After vintage soul drenched house, it’s time to add pure deepness to this week’s summer playlist in Dirty Disco. This new release by head-honcho ZaVen on the Batavia Records label is called “When Faith Dies” and includes a few very well produced and perfect for warm hot days deep house tunes.

While we enjoy the music very much these 4 tracks on this new EP also tell a story about how the Corona virus came in hard in his private life and shows us that standing strong and perseverance is what makes a man. Therefore I’m very proud to feature these quality deep house vibes in this week’s music selection.

Mario Penati - All I Need - EP

Mario Penati – All I Need | Sengiley Recordings.

The 15th release on the Russian Sengiley Recordings label comes from France, Paris to be exact. From a producer who has an Italian sounding name “Mario Penati” and a great taste in making music.

Mario happens to be resident DJ at Le Mellotron and is also part of the famous Coquelicot Record label. In his new release on Sengiley titled “All I Need” he demonstrates his love and skills in deep and melodic hypnotic house music. As I decided to play the track “Deep Road” from this beautiful EP, you’ll find tracks filled with 909 drums, percussion, synths and other beautiful sound elements that make you wanna groove and dance the night away.

More must-hear tunes.

As I would love to highlight all of the featured music here on the blog, I only have so much time. So if you feel addressed to help me write content and music reviews hit me up and get in touch with me. Other releases that I very much dig and want to suggest to you to include in your electronic music summer playlist is the collaboration between Diplo, Damian Lazarus and Neo Soul band Jungle with their summer festival anthem “Don’t Be Afraid” which is released on Diplo’s Mad Decent label and is also available as an 12” vinyl release.

Another track that will do very well on festivals this year and also happens to be released on one of Diplo’s labels is the new remix by the Picard Brothers on Fred Falke’s collaboration with Zen Freeman, Ten Ven and Kelli Leigh on the vocals in their “So good” track. This track is released on Mad Decent’s sub-label: Higher Ground.

Then next to the above highlighted release by the Dutch Zaven, there are a few more releases from Dutch grounds that will perfectly fit your summer playlist. Our boys from Amsterdam, Dam Swindle (FKA: Detroit Swindle) re-released their “The Wrap Around EP” on their very own Heist Recordings label. To stay a bit longer in Amsterdam, I’m playing you a track from a new EP titled “Staying Sane” by Ouvrijster on S3A Records which happens to be a new release after 2 years of inactivity on the label. From Amsterdam we head over to Rotterdam where we meet the young but very talented DJ and producer Jan Janssen who delivers a quality release on the Barbecue Records label which, yes! Perfectly fits your summer poolside, beach or barbecue playlist.

From here I can continue forever with talking about new music releases. But it’s far much simpler to use the audio player here on the website and tune into this episode as I will guide you through all of the music while a creating a nice listening experience for you by mixing all tracks together in this week’s summer playlist selection and Dirty Disco podcast episode.

Episode 415 Tracklist.

Right here is where you find the full detailed tracklist. Included to support and give credits to the artists and labels. But also for you to find the music you like, and perhaps dig into more music from these labels and artists listed in this weeks episode. Feel free to share, support and show your love for what we do here at Dirty Disco. Keep enjoying the music, get inspired with our positive vibes and do what you love to do. Thanks for tuning in! ❤️

Electronic summer playlist - Dirty Disco 415ArtistTrack titleEP / AlbumRecord LabelEP / Album?Rel DateFormat
KX9000 - 2L84MEKX9000 & TaosRêveries2L84MEPont NeufEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Sweatson Klank - Jewels from the Sun EPSweatson KlankYves Klein BlueJewels From The SunFriends Of Friends MusicEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Joe Morris - Angels of LoveJoe MorrisMoments In The SnowAngels Of LoveHigher Love RecordingsEP26-5-21DIG
Ouvrijster - Staying SaneOuvrijsterIntermezzoStaying SaneSampling As An Art (S3A Records)EP27-1-21DIG & 12”
Striding Frog - Don't WaitStriding FrogDon’t Wait (Mushrooms Project Wicked Remix)Don’t WaitCitizens Of ViceEP28-6-21DIG
KX9000 - 2L84MEKX9000, Tour-Maubourg & DdöveHearing My Name2L84MEPont NeufEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Legowelt / Danny Wolfers - Song of MossDanny WolfersMountain BusLegowelt – Song Of MossNightwind RecordsLP23-6-21DIG & CASS
ZaVen - When Faith DiesZaVenWhen Faith DiesWhen Faith DiesBatavia RecordsEP23-7-21DIG
ZaVen - When Faith DiesZaVenDruid CeremonyWhen Faith DiesBatavia RecordsEP23-7-21DIG
Chip Wickham - Blue to Red RemixedChip WickhamThe Cosmos (Chip Dub)Blue To Red (Remixed)LovemonkEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Le Hutin - The SexophonistLe HutinZuma, Leon’s FlareThe SexophonistDe La GrooveLP18-6-21DIG
Sweatson Klank - Jewels from the Sun EPSweatson KlankUniversal Soul VibrationsJewels From The SunFriends Of Friends MusicEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
KX9000 - 2L84MEKX9000Aqua Laguna2L84MEPont NeufEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Sweatson Klank - Jewels from the Sun EPSweatson KlankThe AntidoteJewels From The SunFriends Of Friends MusicEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Dam Swindle - The Wrap Around EPDam SwindlePain Tomorrow (Pattern Select Mix)The Wrap AroundHeist RecordingsEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Mario Penati - All I Need - EPMario PenatiDeep RoadAll I NeedSengiley RecordingsEP25-6-21DIG
Omen - GlacialOmenGlacialGlacialSyncableEP9-7-21DIG
Belcampo - Your KissingBelcampoYour Kissing (Ft Elisabeth Troy)Your KissingBelcampoEP26-5-21DIG & 12”
Dam Swindle - The Wrap Around EPDam SwindleThe Wrap AroundThe Wrap AroundHeist RecordingsEP25-6-21DIG & 12”
Le Hutin - The SexophonistLe HutinI Hear ’em Voices (Ft Lay)The SexophonistDe La GrooveLP18-6-21DIG
Jazz Mango - The Clog ManJazz MangoThe Clog ManThe Clog MantheBasement DiscosEP25-6-21DIG
Jan Janssen - Like HomeJan JanssenLike HomeLike HomeBarbecueEP14-4-21DIG
Fred Falke - So Good (Picard Brothers Remix)Fred Falke, Zen Freeman & Ten VenSo Good (Ft Kelli Leigh) Picard Brothers Remix)So Good RemixesHigher GroundEP12-5-21DIG
diplo-damian-lazarus-jungle-dont-be-afraidDiplo & Damian Lazarus Ft JungleDon’t Be AfraidDon’t Be AfraidMad DecentEP23-6-21DIG & 12”
Sloe - SkumaskotSloeSkumaskot (Manipolato Remix)SkumaskotDefora RecordsEP9-7-21DIG

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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