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Up Close & Intimate, A Interview With: Hyperkiss

Kono Vidovic February 8, 2015 57 1

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The Process

One of the DJ’s we invited to play at our Technic Fabrique X Dirty Disco Radio Party is Hyperkiss, the main reason for this is that Hyperkiss is a real story teller with his sets, his sound is mainly Nu Disco, Deep House with drop-outs to tech. His sets are an emotional experience that every time succeeds to take me on an deep journey into my soul and explore what life is about, at the same time you are feeling, good bringing it to the dance floor and share those feel good moments with other beautiful people around you on the dance floor, at the bar having a drink or being social and chit chat a little bit about everything and nothing.

Because everything we do is on a non-commercial base and everything we do is done with passion and a lot of love for what we do we wanted to let you get to know the DJ’s and the people behind the music. The electronic music scene is mainly dominated by big producers with chart number 1 hitting tracks, and the people who love those tracks and DJ’s but there are also a lot of people more than you can think of who are not such big names (yet) and also very responsible for what happens in the electronic music scene.

In occasion of our party on the 27th of February we are presenting every DJ with an nice little Q & A interview here on the website and i will invite every DJ to do an exclusive guest-mix in the Dirty Disco Radio podcast / live broadcast.

So we invited Hyperkiss for a coffee and this interview.

The Interview.

1. Let’s start with little introduction, what is your real name and when did you start DJ’ing, what or who were your early passions and influences?

Hello my name is Arif S. Bayrak, i started dj’ing when i was 19 years old. Back then we used to hang out go to clubs throw our own parties meanwhile watching the DJ’s doing their thing i said it doesn’t look so difficult, i started watching every DJ no matter where at the club at house parties everywhere, then vinyls were more popular the most people were playing vinyls so it was easy to understand what they were doing, it took me quite longer to understand how the CD players worked :D.  I can’t really say someone influenced me i was of course listening who ever was popular back then. Techno and Progressive was very popular where i used to live and hang out so a bit of everybody influenced me, i was more influenced from the sounds apart from the DJ’s, in every DJ mix you’ve got some peak tracks and i was more concentrated on the tracks than on the DJ’s

2. What are the most special moments in your artistic career?

Playing in the clubs where i always had my place on the dance floor for many years. It was very different to see the club from the DJ booth 🙂
It felt more like the place you wanted to be 🙂

3. How did you know that music production and DJ’ing were things you definitely wanted to pursue in life?

I never thought that this is what i have to pursue and this is the goal of my life. But i always loved to entertain people no matter how, i think we have to pursue to be good respectful peaceful beings and create a better generation for the sake of the world, when it comes to music i like it if people are sharing the joy with me, when i play i do something that i enjoy doing and its even more joy when people are joining you.

4. What are currently your main challenges as a DJ? What is it about DJ’ing, compared to, say, producing your own music, that makes it interesting for you?

I think all over the music scene i mean electronic music scene it’s a big monopoly, thats a very big problem for many talented especially young DJ’s and producers. Its all about a give and take game kind of, X club resident is inviting his friend to play at his club as a guest then Y club is inviting the guy from the X club, so it turns out to be like: if you invite me to play at your place you can also come and play in my place. Naturally this turns out to be a monopoly.

I think the world doesn’t need anymore shit tunes, man! Already enough productions everyday, if you can’t really put out something very different you don’t need to produce any, but now if you wanna promote yourself you have to produce because there are already more than enough DJ’s. I would also produce if i had the time for it but i’m more busy with raising my kid, i am more investing on him now also musically maybe when he grows up a bit we can dig in producing but for now it seems a bit far. I think when you start producing the magic in the music is slowly vanishing away. I tried to produce myself also then i saw that its a very triply thing to listen to the same loop again & again, and before you are finished with your track you already start feeling not the same, i  always support to have some magic some  mystery in every part of your life..

Hyperkiss5.What do you usually start with when preparing for a set?

When my play-list is ready i always try to build up my sets just like when a child is born, then he grows up learns to deal with life, it becomes passionate and falls in love encounters,  problems having difficulties, then solving them, having peace again and falling in an eternal sleep. Its more or less what i try to do like living a life.

6. How do you prepare for a gig? Is there a ritual that you always do?

I don’t have that kind of rituals but i am a hardcore ADHD patient so things fly around in my mind all the time even if i prepare a play-list at last moment everything will most probably change when i am behind the decks 🙂 my rituals is to get confused what to play just before the gig 🙂

7. What makes you decide to play a particular track during one of your sets? Is there a criteria other than pure subjectivity, for selecting what to play at a gig?

Believing in yourself and your power to predict, if you think at that moment people will love it you give it a go and if you get the reactions that’s one of the best things while performing but it may also not work even if you believe in your track so much, thats like gambling depends on how much risk taker you are. I’ve always been the risk taker you can never please everybody anyway.

8. When there’s more music than one can possibly take in, it is becoming increasingly hard to know what constitutes an original and a remake anymore. What’s your opinion on the importance of roots, traditions, respecting originals and sources?

World today is all about changing everything and is is changing so fast if you can’t go along with this change then you fall back. We are all forced to become monsters of consumption we consume so fast so it doesn’t really matter if something is a remake or an original you can’t even follow it in most cases, it comes and goes, i remember like 10 years ago a track meant much more than today they had some memories but today you can’t even play them that long to have story associated with the track. Tradition respect sources etc are old fashion words 🙂 saying this hurts but its just the way it is.

9. Do you feel a crowd is actually able to appreciate the intricacies of complex DJ’ing, if they don’t actually know what, precisely, is happening behind the decks

The crowd don’t care about whats happening in the DJ booth, they just wanna have fun. Otherwise David Guetta wouldn’t be so successful with playing already mixed CD’s and if you consider he is still one of the top DJ’s or Paris Hilton wouldn’t be dj’ing in front of thousands of people.

10. The relationship with the audience is crucial for a DJ, and yet it seems to be a fragile one. How do you see the balance between giving the crowd what they want and treating them to something new?

The crowd we have to divide into two because there are some people in the crowd who are aware of whats going to happen that night and they know what to expect from the DJ and there is also a portion of the crowd who has no idea whats it gonna be like, so it’s difficult to satisfy a guy who listens to other genres with your music maybe then for the crowd who is aware of your music they know what you do approximately so my crowd would always expect new things or surprises or sudden turns. The balance finds itself at that very specific moment it’s an interactive thing you give it and see the reaction then you know if to do it again or not or sometimes you push it a bit more cos there is also somethings where you wanna connect it to, patience is a gift.

11. DJs that just press play on their laptop may have given technology a bad name, but without technology, there’d be no DJ’ing in the first place. What’s your perspective on the relationship and the balance between technological advances, music and the art of DJ’ing? How have particular technologies changed your style of DJ’ing?

First we need to understand the concept good whats dj’ing ? Making the music for the masses to create some atmosphere where they can dance and enjoy that’s the definition of the job, who cares if you are doing it with buttons or making it in a manual way, its always good to be on the side of technology and get the benefits out of it. There are lots of producers who disappoint me while dj’ing so it’s not about a specific thing like laptop dj’ing or being able to produce live music this or that, and the end it’s all about what the people hear coming from the speakers and if they like and enjoy it. I can give very simple example for myself before CD players you had to carry at least 40 – 50 vinyls with you to make a 2 hour set which occupied lots of space and was damn heavy, you had to drag it everywhere after the show you realize how many vinyls are in the wrong cover put them back together otherwise next show you pull out the wrong one etc, at last let me also say this crowd would never dance less or have less fun because you used sync button to mix.

12. Can you give us a hint of the musical treats and surprises (new tracks, edits etc.) you’re going to serve us any time soon?

As i said i like mystery i even myself don’t know that sorry 🙂 but we can say as always it’s gonna be some new deep and nu disco sounds backed up with some techy funky bangers.

13. Take us with you on a perfect night out in Amsterdam. Where do we start, what clubs do we go to, where’s the afterparty?

Since i am also new to this city i wouldn’t recommend you to go out with me 😛  I like De bloemen bar on Koningsplein cos its very cozy and nice people then i would have a look at Closure Club on the Rozengracht which opened a couple of days ago and the after party would be in Ruigoord.

14. What’s one thing that people would be surprised to know about you?

That i am from Turkey most of the time people are very surprised with that 🙂

15. If you could collaborate with one artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I don’t wanna die so no collars with the dead ones 😛 could be Ten Snake cos it just feels close musical wise.

Follow Hyperkiss on Soundcloud
Follow Hyperkiss On Facebook

Make sure to also check out the podcast with Hyperkiss in the guestmix

Since we finished our coffee and the interview here is my Final Plea.

Thank you Arif for your time and having me for the interview.

I want to end with a little bit of enthusiasm for the party we are hosting on the 27th of February in the Cuebar, one of the DJ’s we will see and hear play there is Hyperkiss.
If you are in the neighborhood around that time you are invited to come and party with us, the entrance is free but the party starts early, we start at 20:00 and since the Cue Bar is a very cozy intimate place where you can hang out and drink with the DJ’s, the amount of visitors is limited. SO my advice is to come in early and make sure you have a spot inside. 😉

Technic Fabrique X Dirty Disco Radio
27 February 2015 – Cue Bar – Utrechtsestraat 16, AmsterdamFree Entrance – Doors open: 20:00 – 04:00
Here is the Facebook Event Page, click on attend if you wish.

uitgaan Amsterdam

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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