
Dirty Disco Podcast

Podcast 405 | Weekly Music Mix Selection: Sound Support | Bress Underground | Jesusdapnk & Currents + more.

Kono Vidovic April 26, 2021 332 7 5

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Weekly Music Mix Selection in Dirty Disco 405.

After last week’s legendary guest-mix by the Doormen On Vacation in episode 404. I’m back at ya with a new weekly music mix selection full of new must have tunes all mixed together into a 2 hour presented DJ mix. For this essential selection I curated new releases from a wide range of electronic sub-genres but made sure they all fit in harmony in this week’s DJ mix, which you can also stream as a standalone DJ mix here on my Mixcloud profile.

This week’s must-have hot new releases.

In this episode of Dirty Disco 405 we are looking at what’s hot on labels like: Citizens Of Vice with a new sun drenched EP from Saúco that lives up to its name ‘Sun Goddess’. On Razor ‘N Tape we witness how the Israelian duo Rabo & Snob bring you a pure Afro House heater with vocals from Ghanese Soma Iddrissu. After recently doing mixes for Caribou (Dan Snaith) and Christine and the Queens, the Sydney based female producer Logic1000 now remixed Skeleten’s Walking On Your Name with great flair and created an off-kilter piece of electronica from it.

Sound Support - Apollo 21

More music behind Dam Swindle.

The Gentlemen from the Dutch house music duo Dam Swindle (formerly known as Detroit Swindle) are both also producing under their own solo projects and or other aliases. Last week I presented you the latest EP by Maarten Smeets (one half of Dam Swindle) under his The Wanderist monikker. In this weekly music mix selection I curated the new Apollo 21 EP by the other half of Dam Swindle (Lars Dales) who collaborates together with Lorenz Rhodes under the Sound Support project and released their Apollo 21 EP on Norwegian Oslo based label Internasjonal Run by Prins Thomas.

Jacking Disco House from Valencia.

Then there are also two new EP’s on the Valencia based Disco house label theBasement Discos that I interviewed here a while back. San Diego based producers Jesusdapnk and Currents dropped their Disco drenched house EP “South Bay Disco” which also includes a remix by a common face from the label Kostrok. The other release is from George Cynnamon – Just Asking, who is a Belgium based producer bringing a high energy disco groover to the label catalogue.

Music talks, DJ Plays.

As I love to talk about music I can continue forever with writing about all of the releases in this weekly music mix selection Dirty Disco 405. But there is something better that DJ’s do next to talking about music. Clearly that is playing music and inspiring people with great tunes and new artists to listen too. With this said I would like you to tune in and step into the groove with me.

Dirty Disco 405 Contents.

  • 23 new curated electronic music tracks all mixed together into a 2 hour hosted DJ mix.
  • 2 promo releases (on the time of writing) by Joescho on Everybody In Records. And Tom Frankel with his Milestone LP on Shall Not Fade the Killer cuts series.
  • 8 songs / tracks in this weekly music mix selection are also pressed to vinyl as a 12 inch and perfect if you love to extend your electronic music vinyl collection a bit.
  • Among the essentials this week there are 3 LP’s. The Conclave Series Vol 6 LP on Release Sustain Recordings. Head-honcho Kapote presents his Mushroom House Vol 2 LP on Toy Tonics. And the Bristol based electronica label Shall Not Fade dropped the Tom Frankel Milestone LP.
  • This week’s music mix can also be streamed as a DJ only mix (perfect for your weekend gatherings) or you can listen to Dirty Disco 24/7 with the continuous livestream here.

Dirty Disco 405 playlist.

If you prefer the Spotify playlist check it here for easy access to all the tracks in full-length and easy to add to your own music collection, playlists and or libraries. For other purposes, for example if you would like to buy a 12 inch for your vinyl collection. Or to search for more music from a specific artist and or label you can use the below listed playlist from this week’s music selection episode. Feel free to support Dirty Disco in any way. Thank you for tuning in and grooving with me. Add me on your socials (links are in the top menu left) and let me know that you are listening. Have a beautiful week people!

Dirty Disco 405 Weekly Music Mix SelectionArtistTrack titleEP / AlbumRecord LabelEP / Album?Rel DateFormat
Sauco - Sun GoddessSaúcoSun GoddessSun GoddessCitizens Of ViceEP9-4-21DIG
Rabo & Snob - Yom YomRabo & SnobYom Yom Ft Soma IddrissuYom YomRazor N TapeEP16-4-21DIG
Skeleten - Walking On Your Name Logic1000 remixSkeletenWalking On Your Name (Logic1000 Remix)Walking On Your Name RemixesAstral People RecordingsEP13-4-21DIG
Conclave Series Vol 6Reggie Dokes99 WishesConclave Series Vol 6Release Sustain RecordingsLP14-4-21DIG
Toy Tonics Mushroom House Vol 2Hard TonFood Of Love (Dj Sprinkles Grub Dub (2021 version)Kapote Presents Mushroom House Vol 2Toy TonicsLP16-4-21DIG + 2X 12”
Malik Hendricks - Cutting ShapesMalik HendricksDeeper Than (Byron The Aquarius Late Nite Mix)Cutting ShapesColoring Lesson RecordsEP16-4-21DIG
Tony Lionni - Harlem HustleTony LionniHarlem Hustle (Mimid Jazzebo Remix)Harlem HustlewewillalwaysbealovesongEP16-4-21DIG
Carlo - Supernatural ProvidersCarloSupernatural ProvidersSupernatural ProvidersHoney ButterEP30-3-21DIG & 12”
Sound Support - Apollo 21Sound SupportBrownsfieldApollo 21InternasjonalEP23-4-21DIG & 12”
Jesusdapnk & Currents - South Bay DiscoJesusdapnk & CurrentsSouth Bay Disco (Kostrok Remix)South Bay DiscotheBasement DiscosEP9-4-21DIG
Bres Underground - Soul SatBress UndergroundMerelySoul SatEsuohEP16-4-21DIG
Joescho - HypnosisJoeschoThe TerminalHypnosisEverybody InEP14-5-21DIG
Sound Support - Apollo 21Sound SupportApollo 21Apollo 21InternasjonalEP23-4-21DIG & 12”
Bres Underground - Soul SatBress UndergroundBoneSoul SatEsuohEP16-4-21DIG
Kilig - What My Mind NeedsKiligWhat My Mind NeedsWhat My Mind NeedsShall Not FadeEP16-4-21DIG & 12”
O'Flynn - TaliaO’FlynnTaliaTaliaBandcampEP16-4-21DIG
Tom Frankel - MilestoneTom FrankelMandy CuddlesMilestoneShall Not FadeLP30-4-21DIG & 12”
Malik Hendricks - Cutting ShapesMalik HendricksCutting ShapesCutting ShapesColoring Lesson RecordsEP16-4-21DIG
Jesusdapnk & Currents - South Bay DiscoJesusdapnk & CurrentsInhale, ExhaleSouth Bay DiscotheBasement DiscosEP9-4-21DIG
Jesusdapnk & Currents - South Bay DiscoJesusdapnk & CurrentsGuilty PleasuresSouth Bay DiscotheBasement DiscosEP9-4-21DIG
The Mayans - BaditudeThe MayansWhat You HeardBaditudePomme FriteEP6-4-21DIG & 12”
Geirge Cynnamon - Just AskingGeorge CynnamonLove Emergency (Bonetti Remix)Just AskingtheBasement DiscosEP16-4-21DIG
The Mayans - BaditudeThe MayansMake You MoveBaditudePomme FriteEP6-4-21DIG & 12”

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Download now: Podcast 405 | Weekly Music Mix Selection: Sound Support | Bress Underground | Jesusdapnk & Currents + more.

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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