
Dirty Disco Podcast

Podcast 427 | Dirty Disco Take-over By Dragan Kucirov | Hosted & Mixed Track Selection.

Kono Vidovic October 11, 2021 426 6 5

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Take-over by Dragan Kucirov.

It’s time for one of those rare Dirty Disco episodes where I get to listen and enjoy from the other side of the music streams. Actually this is the second time we have a full take-over, the last time we did this was in Dirty Disco episode 411 by Jeroen De Wolf who took you on a trip inside his mind in electronic music. This time I invited our great friend Dragan Kucirov from North Macedonia to take over the show and show you what he is capable of.

Dragan Kucirov and his Mixdown session for Flankup Recordings.

First time behind the mic.

One of the coolest things is that this is the very first time Dragan stepped behind a microphone, totally out of his comfort zone to present a radio show / online music podcast. The easy part here for you is that you can find out how he did by easily tuning into the show here with the audio player on the website.

Even though this is Dragan’s first time presenting and doing a voice-over show. It’s not the first time he’s selecting and mixing music for you. As a frequent Dirty Disco listener you might already know him as he has been a guest DJ more than once here in the podcasts. We really like Dragan’s style and invited him before, which you can check here:

So if my counting is correct this week’s music show is the 4th time Dragan is with us as a DJ. But the very first time he’s doing a full Dirty Disco take-over presenting the entire show. Clearly I’m more than honored to have Dragan here with me, so let’s look at what he selected for you for this special episode.

Featured music by Dragan.

As you might know, Dragan Kucirov comes from a little town called Gevgelija in North Macedonia. So it’s no surprise that he treats us with a few productions coming from the Balkan region. Next to the Balkan House Beats if I may refer to them this way. You can also expect new tracks by other established names in the electronic music scene and names you frequently can hear in the weekly Dirty Disco episodes such as: James Silk with his “Give Me” groover which is on the various artists Disco Yeah Vol 47 Selection. From that same LP also comes Dutch producer Alexander Koning together with Johansson and their Rollerdisco track.

More music from: Ridney, Inaya Day, Richard Earnshaw and Moodena on Let There Be House Records. Chaos In The CBD bringing quality deep house from the Brainstorm EP on their own label: In Dust We Trust. Than there is Sean McCabe on Joey Negro’s Z Records label with a remix from Atjazz. Archie Hamilton on Moscow Records and so the list continues with quality new electronic music releases selected by our take-over guest Dragan Kucirov.

Lastly before I leave you with the full track selection list here below. I want to make sure that you know where to find and follow Dragan for his future creations. Make sure to follow him on these channels and leave some feedback while you are at it.

Dirty Disco 427 Track selection.

Feel free to use the track-list here below in any way you want. Share it with your friends, if so please include a link to the show. This can be a link to this page, Mixcloud, Soundcloud or any of the other platforms you can listen to Dirty Disco on. Use the tracklist to find and buy your favorite new music. Or use our weekly updated Spotify playlist here to find the music and artists you like. A big thanks to Dragan for taking over a full episode and doing it with great flair. Once again thank you for tuning in and we are already looking forward to see you tuning in next week for a brand new episode full of new promos and new music.

Dirty Disco Take-over by Dragan KucirovArtistTrack titleEP / AlbumRecord LabelEP / Album?Rel DateFormat
Luton - I Don't Know SweetheartLutonI Don’t Know, SweetheartI Don’t Know, SweetheartGlitch RecordsSingle25-9-21Digital
T.Markakis - LonelyT.MarkakisLonelyLonelyBobbin Head MusicEP24-9-21Digital
Alexander Koning & Johansson RollerdiscoAlexander Koning & JohanssonRollerdiscoVA Disco Yeah! Vol 47Club SessionAlbum6-8-21Digital
Ridney, Inaya Day, Richard Earnshaw, Moodena Gotta HaveRidney, Inaya Day, Richard Earnshaw, MoodenaGotta HaveGotta HaveLet There Be House RecordsEP24-9-21Digital
James Silk Give MeJames SilkGive MeVA Disco Yeah! Vol 47Club SessionAlbum6-8-21Digital
Nikifor TogethernessNikiforTogethernessTogethernessNouveau Niveau RecordsEP4-6-21Digital
Emmaculate Higher Vibrations (Mac’s Afro Sax Mix)EmmaculateHigher Vibrations (Mac’s Afro Sax Mix)Higher VibrationsMirror Ball RecordingsEP17-9-21Digital
Junior Pappa, DJ Antonio With My Eyes ClosedJunior Pappa, DJ AntonioWith My Eyes ClosedWith My Eyes ClosedPlay My TuneEP17-9-21Digital
Coflo Specific North West Orcas Island EPCofloSpecific North WestOrcas Island EPCatch The Ghost RecordsEP23-4-21Digital
Malocello The Party Is Beginning DualiteMalocelloThe Party Is BeginningDualiteDushe LabelEP27-9-21Digital
Akabu, Dave Lee Heatwave on Mars (Kaytronix Heated Remix) Rotations & ReworksAkabu, Dave LeeHeatwave on Mars (Kaytronix Heated Remix)Rotations & ReworksZ RecordsAlbum3-9-21Digital and vinyl
Archie Hamilton Hi JinxArchie HamiltonHi JinxR:EvolutionMoscow RecordsEP30-7-21Digital
Archie Hamilton Hi JinxArchie HamiltonMoonshineR:EvolutionMoscow RecordsEP30-7-21Digital
Chaos in the Cbd Liquid Experience BrainstormChaos in the CbdLiquid ExperienceBrainstormIn Dust We TrustEP17-9-21Digital
Chaos in the Cbd Liquid Experience BrainstormChaos in the CbdEcholocationBrainstormIn Dust We TrustEP17-9-21Digital
Funkwise Munggu Shuffle Swing HighFunkwiseMunggu ShuffleSwing HighLove InternationalEP8-7-21Digital
Mo‘Cream Magic RhodesMo‘CreamMagic RhodesMagic RhodesLarge MusicEP3-9-21Digital
Sean McCabe feat. Hannah Khemoh Reach Out (Atjazz Remix) Rotations & ReworksSean McCabe feat. Hannah KhemohReach Out (Atjazz Remix)Rotations & ReworksZ RecordsAlbum3-9-21Digital and vinyl
Soulbridge Can’t Stop Loving You (Jama Remix) VA Soulful Vibes, Vol 3SoulbridgeCan’t Stop Loving You (Jama Remix)VA Soulful Vibes, Vol 3HSR RecordsAlbum17-9-21Digital
Joey G, RaySoo Just Can’t Get EnoughJoey G, RaySooJust Can’t Get EnoughJust Can’t Get EnoughLove InternationalEP3-9-21Digital

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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