
Dirty Disco Podcast

Podcast 443 | Mixed Playlist: Catz ‘N Dogz – DJ Python – Apoena – Ezra Collins – Carlo & more.

Kono Vidovic January 31, 2022 541 4 5

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New Mixed Playlist.

I’m back again with a brand new mixed playlist aka music podcast filled with new releases from the last 1, 2 or 3 weeks. Once again mixed all together into a two hour DJ mix including music talks, features and promo’s.

The first section (1st hour) is filled with a combination of energetic, futuristic electronic dance music and nu-disco vibes. The second hour will be more focusing on the deeper side of house music with releases from: Ezra Collins on Miura Records, Apoena on the Freerange label, Carlo with a new EP on Atteral. But also the forthcoming new EP by Mo’Cream ‘Who You Are’ on Seven Music.

Spotify temporarily offline.

I have to give my apologies to all Spotify users that listen to Dirty Disco through the platform as Spotify has taken down the show. Hopefully this is temporary and I will be able to get the show back on the platform soon. The official playlist is still available on Spotify here.

Apple Podcasts Premium.

Meanwhile I added a premium section to the Apple podcast platform. So from now on you can subscribe to the premium segment of the show on Apple Podcasts. This member section includes the DJ only mixes without my presentation. To get access just click here.

Dirty Disco 443 Tracklist.

Dirty Disco mixed playlist 443ArtistTrack titleEP / AlbumRecord LabelEP / Album?Rel DateFormat
DJ Python  - Club Sentimientos Vol. 2DJ PythonClub Sentimiental Vol ThreeClub Sentimientos Vol 2InciensoEP21-1-22DIG & 12”
NDE Compilation 002 Vol.2Cornelius DoctorObsessionNDE Compilation Vol 2New Day EverydayLP14-1-22DIG
Mark Hawkins - The Wash EPMark HawkinsThe WashThe WashHoundstoothEP21-1-22DIG
DJ Python - Club Sentimientos Vol. 2DJ PythonTMMD (IMMMD)Club Sentimientos Vol 2InciensoEP21-1-22DIG & 12”
Diogo Strausz - Emancipação ExtendedDiogo Strausz50 Anos Em 5 (Extended)Emancipacao ExtendedRazor N TapeEP13-2-22DIG & 12”
Diogo Strausz - Emancipação ExtendedDiogo StrauszEmancipacao (Extended)Emancipacao ExtendedRazor N TapeEP13-2-22DIG & 12”
Catz n Dogz - Would You Believe RemixesCatz ‘n Dogz & Jono McCleeryWould You believe (Vhyce Remix)Would You Believe RemixesPets RecordingsEP21-1-22DIG
Johannes Albert - Lemonade Fizz EPJohannes AlbertDorschdLemonade FizzLive At Robert JohnsonEP21-1-22DIG & 12”
White Square - Discreet Moment Thing Pt. 2WhitesquareLady CherryDiscreet Moment Thing Pt 2Life & DeathEP21-1-22DIG
Catz n Dogz - Would You Believe RemixesCatz ‘n Dogz & Jono McCleeryWould You believe (Alan Dixon Love Attack Remix)Would You Believe RemixesPets RecordingsEP21-1-22DIG
Sofia Kourtesis & Manu Chao - Estación EsperanzaSofia Kourtesis & Manu ChaoEstacion EsperanzaEstacion EsperanzaNinja TuneEP17-1-22DIG
Ezra Collins - Continental HumidityEzra CollinsAfternoon HazeContinental HumidityMiuraEP21-1-22DIG
Apoena - Dark Emerald EPApoenaMust Go DeeperDark EmeraldFreerangeEP14-1-22DIG
Feel Fly - Cosmo CosmoFeel FlyTripp Cosmo MixCosmo CosmoInternasjonalEP21-1-22DIG & 12”
Carlo - Out of Sight, out of MindCarloOut Of Sight, Out Of MindOut Of Sight, Out Of MIndAtteralEP21-1-22DIG
Apoena - Dark Emerald EPApoenaMindDark EmeraldFreerangeEP14-1-22DIG
Apoena - Dark Emerald EPApoenaDark EmeraldDark EmeraldFreerangeEP14-1-22DIG
Ezra Collins - Continental HumidityEzra CollinsWe Go At NightContinental HumidityMiuraEP21-1-22DIG
Mo'Cream on Seven MusicMo’CreamSweet & SmoothWho You AreSeven MusicEP24-2-22DIG
Mo'Cream on Seven MusicMo’CreamWho You AreWho You AreSeven MusicEP24-2-22DIG
Theos - Turn Up MartyTheosBroken RingTurn Up MartyShall Not FadeEP21-1-22DIG & 12”
Madan Artwork 2022 Super Disco Club BootlegSalif KietaMadan (Super Disco Club Bootleg)Madan (Super Disco Club Bootleg)White LabelEP28-2-22DIG

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Download now: Podcast 443 | Mixed Playlist: Catz ‘N Dogz – DJ Python – Apoena – Ezra Collins – Carlo & more.

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Kono Vidovic at Dirty Disco

Kono Vidovic

DJ | MUSIC CURATOR & SELECTOR | PODCAST MAKER | BLOGGER Professional online interpreneur. Coffee practitioner. Electronic music culture maven. Total music guru. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Food & sports fanatic.

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